First, we can link up the database by configuring app/config/parameters.yml: change the database name, user and password to reflect your own choices.
If your database doesn't exists:
Create database:
$php app/console doctrine:database:create
We are going to create an Entity called Page with text and body:
php app/console doctrine:generate:entity --entity=AppBundle:Page \
--format=annotation --fields="title:string(255) body:text" \
--format=annotation --fields="title:string(255) body:text" \
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
Doctrine can automatically create all the database tables needed for every known entity in your application. To do this, run:
$php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
If you already have database, import it:
- import database ( mysql <import.sql )
- import these database structures into Symfony:
$php app/console doctrine:mapping:import AppBundle yml
The database mapping is created in src/AppBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/
Now we need the form for that entity, another generator command :
php app/console doctrine:generate:form AppBundle:Page --no-interaction
Doctrine Mapping Types
- string: Type that maps a SQL VARCHAR to a PHP string.
- integer: Type that maps a SQL INT to a PHP integer.
- smallint: Type that maps a database SMALLINT to a PHP integer.
- bigint: Type that maps a database BIGINT to a PHP string.
- boolean: Type that maps a SQL boolean or equivalent (TINYINT) to a PHP boolean.
- decimal: Type that maps a SQL DECIMAL to a PHP string.
- date: Type that maps a SQL DATETIME to a PHP DateTime object.
- time: Type that maps a SQL TIME to a PHP DateTime object.
- datetime: Type that maps a SQL DATETIME/TIMESTAMP to a PHP DateTime object.
- datetimetz: Type that maps a SQL DATETIME/TIMESTAMP to a PHP DateTime object with timezone.
- text: Type that maps a SQL CLOB to a PHP string.
- object: Type that maps a SQL CLOB to a PHP object using serialize() and unserialize()
- array: Type that maps a SQL CLOB to a PHP array using serialize() and unserialize()
- simple_array: Type that maps a SQL CLOB to a PHP array using implode() and explode(), with a comma as delimiter. IMPORTANT Only use this type if you are sure that your values cannot contain a ”,”.
- json_array: Type that maps a SQL CLOB to a PHP array using json_encode() and json_decode()
- float: Type that maps a SQL Float (Double Precision) to a PHP double. IMPORTANT: Works only with locale settings that use decimal points as separator.
- guid: Type that maps a database GUID/UUID to a PHP string. Defaults to varchar but uses a specific type if the platform supports it.
- blob: Type that maps a SQL BLOB to a PHP resource stream
Generating Getters and Setters
# generates all entities of bundles in the AppBundle namespace
$ php app/console doctrine:generate:entities --path="src/" AppBundle
$ php app/console doctrine:generate:entities AppBundle/Entity/Product
Entity files are created in src/AppBundle/Entity/.
Persisting an object to DB:
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
Fetching object from DB:
$product = $this->getDoctrine()
// dynamic method names to find based on a column value
$product = $repository->findOneById($id);
$product = $repository->findOneByName('foo');
// find *all* products
$products = $repository->findAll();
// find a group of products based on an arbitrary column value
$products = $repository->findByPrice(19.99);
// query for one product matching by name and price
$product = $repository->findOneBy(
array('name' => 'foo', 'price' => 19.99)
// query for all products matching the name, ordered by price
$products = $repository->findBy(
array('name' => 'foo'),
array('price' => 'ASC')
if (!$product) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException(
'No product found for id '.$id
Updating an object
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$product = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Product')->find($id);
if (!$product) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException(
'No product found for id '.$id
$product->setName('New product name!');
Delete an object:
Doctrine’s Query Builder:
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()
$query = $repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->where('p.price > :price')
->setParameter('price', '19.99')
->orderBy('p.price', 'ASC')
$products = $query->getResult();
$product = $query->getSingleResult();
$product = $query->getOneOrNullResult();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$query = $em->createQuery(
FROM AppBundle:Product p
WHERE p.price > :price
ORDER BY p.price ASC'
)->setParameter('price', '19.99');
$products = $query->getResult();
Custom Repository Classes
To create a repository to hold all the customized database manipulation methods, you need to:
- Add the name of the repository class to your mapping definition. (located at src/AppBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/*.orm.yml)
For AppBundle\Entity\Product:
type: entity
repositoryClass: AppBundle\Entity\ProductRepository
table: product
Doctrine can generate the repository class for you by running the same command used earlier to generate the missing getter and setter methods:
php app/console doctrine:generate:entities --path="src/" AppBundle
You will notice a new ProductRepository.php file is created under src/AppBundle/Entity.
- Create all necessary functions to provide required database manipulation capabilities (like retrieving data).
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